The Process


Our brain, mind, and nervous system are the conductors of the orchestra that governs our body and wellbeing. A healthy brain and nervous system form the foundations of good health; both physically and emotionally.  In a world that can be stressful and fast paced - the loss of resilience and health is extremely widespread. The brain and nervous system can get stuck in patterns that no longer direct the body healthfully.

Fortunately over the last decade, pioneers in scientific research into the mind-body connection have shown incontrovertibly that we all have great capability to re wire our brains to positively impact our health. This work teaches your brain, nervous system and mind how to shift these patterns into healthy ones, and keep them there.

Modern medicine, a true marvel of our time for acute health issues, has failed to address the rising tide of chronic illness and emotional experiences. We believe passionately in our ability to heal in ways we simply did not know about before modern neuroscience caught up with our mind body connection and showed us what was possible.


How it works 

New pathways in the brain and body are created from awareness of what we need to change, then focused attention and repetition to prune away old pathways then create new healthier ones. We teach you how to do this in easy to learn cumulative steps that everyone can understand. As these brain body pathways change, so will your symptoms, sometimes surprisingly swiftly!

The skills we teach are grounded in peer reviewed research and have been shown to be effective to help treat chronic fatigue, chronic lyme, other chronic infections, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, overwhelm.

We also help people build simple and cumulative daily routines, based on these principles to support their recoveries and grow confidence and trust in themselves again.  Sessions are co-created with each client, tailored to their particular needs and goals. Our work is based on three evidence based principles:  

1. Neuroplasticity Practice


2. Somatic Skills and Parts Work

3.Compassion based mindfulness

We weave these together to form a neuroplasticity practice unique to your personality and your goals. We passionately believe in gentle and fun work to evoke deep and lasting change at a pace that is nurturing and manageable for every person. The ethos here is that your personal practice needs to be playful, easeful, and nourishing. Our success continues to show that ‘pushing’ and ‘fighting’ through our experiences creates more internal stress, where as gentle cumulative play practice creates lasting change. We also see time and time again that change can happen very swiftly, despite how long symptoms may have been ongoing.


A silver bullet. This takes practice, and a good sense of humour for the ups and downs to shift thoughts, emotions and patterns that no longer serve us. We can assure you it gets easier! We will be with you every step too so you will have a strong support system as you learn. I want to be upfront that this is a self empowered way of healing. It takes commitment and practice in your daily life. It takes doing new things slowly over time and willingness to engage with new ways of being that add up over time to a new way of living. Without this engagements we remain passive recipients of ‘treatment’ and the brain and being cannot change. I work with those that are truly ready for growth and baby steps towards something new.

This program is not classic ‘brain re-training’. There are many awesome programs out there for this, and if you are drawn to them then they are for you (I can also provide referrals for this). Trust yourself to know what is right for you. Our work here addresses emotional baselines, nervous system regulation, and the brain/limbic system component together as we have seen great success in this approach. Generally our clients need a gentler approach than perhaps they have tried before, or are sensitive, have sometimes hit blocks in their previous neuroplasticity or therapy practice, or wish to address multiple aspects of their physical/emotional experience and have a practice tailored for this. This is also not talk therapy. This is an experiential process, meaning you will be working with your mind, your body and your behaviour/habits.


Our Partnership

Our work together as co-creators teaches you the skills to ultimately be your own compassionate and highly capable superhero. You are not a patient or even a client. You are a highly able and equal training participant. It IS skills based so your engagement and practice allows you to build confidence in yourself, and me to get to know your system to best support you as you do this. We are excited to work with you.

The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to render any medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, opinion, diagnosis, prescription, or treatment. The information provided on this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating any health problem, and is not a substitute for professional care. If you have, or even suspect you may have, a medical, psychological, or psychiatric problem, you should consult your appropriate healthcare provider.