
Founded in 1991 by Doc Childre, HeartMath™ has developed a system of effective, scientifically based tools and technologies to bridge the connection between heart and mind. It is deeply effective for in the moment interventions for stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout. 

woman calm

The HeartMath™ system empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices. This enables people to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, insight, and health. Over  300 peer-reviewed or independent studies  utilizing HeartMath™ techniques or technologies to achieve beneficial outcomes have been published. 

HeartMath™ is often taught in six cumulative 60 minute sessions to teach and practice the evidence based  tools pioneered by the HeartMath Institute. Sessions will be tailored to each individuals goals and needs.

The course encapsulates 25 years of research by the Institute in the rapidly-expanding field of self-regulation. These skill based sessions will teach you how to stop any drains on your energy and how to build greater resilience, joy and cope with stress throughout your life. 

 $150 - 60 minutes

 Sliding scale possible

Group classes available at low cost - 6 sessions to learn all the tools of HeartMath and how to integrate this into any brain re training practice. Somatic awareness tools are also shared as part of this work.

$30 a session

$170 for the six sessions. Includes PDF course materials and Q and A time.

Next six week course begins March 31st. Please contact to enroll.
